Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Major Headache

Today we discussed out topics for our upcoming project. Of course I was majorly confused and made myself look silly because I wasn't prepared.

But I decided to change my topic and I did make a google site. I just hope its an okay subject.

My new topic is Integration: What took so long?

Click here to view my site :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Topics? Grade level? Subject? Question?

I am still very confused on this whole project thing, but I am going to pick a subject, grade level, topic, and question anyway.

I would like to choose 5th grade Science, Solar system, and the question will be "What causes the planets to rotate around the sun?"

Late but I did get it done?

I know this was suppose to be done a while ago, but with me not feeling well and class being cancelled, it took me a little longer. Also, I am computer illiterate so I had to have someone help me out.

Anyway, this is my Habits of Taxonomy. I was a little confused about it so it might not be done right, but it is my view on it.

Here it goes!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Well, I hope I did this right!!

So I was suppose to create a visual ranking activity. Well, I didn't feel too well and missed class so I really hope I did this right!

My visual ranking activity is called "Important Teaching Qualities". I listed some qualities I think are important to have when becoming a teacher and I would like for the teams to list them in order of importance.

To do the activity you will need my ID ,Team ID, and password.

My ID is mstivason.

Team ID's are 1, 2, 3 and 4.
The passwords are one, two , three, and four.

Have Fun! :D

We used #2 of the standards, I believe.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

All About Me Day

Today, we made a video about ourselves. Even though I do not have a facebook and could not use pictures of myself, I tried to find pictures that kind of explained a little bit about me.

Here is my silly video :P

We also learned about more Intel nonsense and we have a homework assignment on Bloom's Taxonomy, Marzano's Dimensions of Learning, and Costa and Kallick's 16 Habits of Mind.

We used # 4 of the standards, I think?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog's Day :P

Sooo did the groundhog see his shadow today? Either way, I'd just like summer to be here! :D

Today, we learned about Intel and played some game type things within Intel.

I think we used #1 and #2 of the Standards from the NET-S.

This blog was just short and to the point today :P