Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Video Response

I agreed with everything this guy said. I loved the story about the ballerina. It was so true. If I had a child like that in my classroom, I would tell her to sit down and I would most likely write notes home to the parents but after hearing that story, I look at the situation a different way. I agreed with the statement "Don't do the things you like, you won't get a job in that". In reality, most high school football players don't go off to play in the NFL and most girls who love to dance don't become famous dancers but there are always those chances that they might! We shouldn't discourage students but help them try to make their dreams a reality. If that doesn't work out for them, be there as support to help them find another path that might be related. That football player can become an athletic trainer or a coach, and that dancer can open her own dance studio to share her talent with others. That ties in with my next statement, "They might not see the future, but our job is to help them see it". We should encourage students to think about their futures and go after their dreams.

I wasn't surprised by anything I heard. I agreed with everything he said.

The one statement I did not agree with was that women are better multitaskers. I am a horrible multi-tasker so this is not exactly a true statement!

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