Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Where I Am From :)


  1. This is great Megan! I can really relate to small town living. I love Journey, so awesome song choice!

  2. Great job, Megan! I loved that you picked Journey as your background music! I Think that our families are very similar in a lot of aspects! Very Nice job!

  3. Megan great job!! :) You look so much like your mom! And as I told you earlier I love that you put the picture of Micah proposing to you with the fairytale comment... too sweet!

  4. Megan,
    I realized that we have more in common than I thought. I too found my own fairy tale hero in my husband, I am also stubborn and did not inherit the cleaning gene from my mother who had it in spades. I liked your song choice as well. My only comment for improvement would be that I felt as if your video ended rather abruptly. Great job!

  5. One thing I learned about you is you are proud of where you come from. Many people from small towns do not like it and want out. However, you are proud of your small town!
    Your family is similar to mine because we are very close to each other also.
    The best thing about your digital story is the song you chose. I love Journey music!!
    Awesome work!!

  6. That's an awesome power rangers costume! My son would be so jealous, lol. They don't make them that cool anymore.

    I grew up a tomboy, too, but I also LOVED to play with Barbies. How can you not, really?

    I like how you included pictures from your past and present. The sorority pictures were fun. The only suggestion I have would be to extend the time on the last slide a few seconds. Other than that, awesome job! :)

  7. I can remember me being a red ranger for halloween a long time ago...Defiantly showed you like to have fun and know how to doll yourself up and it takes alot to be a well rounded individual as this video makes you

  8. Well done! What a fun and thoughtful digital story! A nice combination! I bet your family will get teary watching this one!
