Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Where I Am From

I am from hair bows, from Barbie, and frilly pink dresses.

I am from the tan house with the steep driveway on the old back road, near the camp hosting the Strawberry Festival and the sound of neighbor kids riding their bikes back and forth.

I am from the crab apples growing in my Nana and Pap's yard, that tasted oh so sour.

I am from the Stivason's, old fashioned and strong-willed, and the Cox's who keep an open-mind and heart; from the support system of dance recitals and local football games, and family get togethers and frequent phase ten matches.

I am from the love of a mother who has always wanted me to have the best, who passed on her warm heart but not her love of cleaning
 ...and from the strength of a hard working father who has always wanted what was best for me, and make a better living for myself and my future children.

From being told to look after my little brother whose growing up too fast, and watches out for me more than I can watch out for him..
 ..and from being an independent, strong-willed but soft hearted young woman has got me right where I want to be.

I am from a household where you be who you want to be and believe in what you want to believe; from knowing that we'll meet our lost loved ones again in a better place and that everyday is a blessing.

I am from the only small town that I've ever known filled with a loving family who feels the same, where home cooking includes chicken, homemade mashed potatoes and corn on the cob and if it's mom's cooking then you know it'll be good!

From the father who taught me to shoot better than the boys (bet no one would of ever guessed that), the Nana who taught me to always wish on butterflies, and the Pop Pop who never got to see his little girl grow up..

I am from a new world now where I am on my own, studying and working consumes most of my time, my fiance has taught me to believe in that fairytale ending and that love is very real and everlasting, my friends have become the sisters I've never had and the girls who have made me who I am today..

..and no matter where my life takes me, my roots will always bring me back to that little girl in the pink frilly dress with the hair bow to match.

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